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The West African Power Pool (WAPP), in collaboration with ECOWAS Regional Electricity Regulatory Authority (ERERA), organized on 29th June 2018 at the Benin Marina Hotel, Cotonou, Republic of Benin, the official launching of the ECOWAS Electricity Market, under the patronage of His Excellency Patrice Talon, Head of State, Head of Government and President of the Republic of Benin.
The event was graced by the Honorable Abdoulaye Bio Tchane, Minister of State in Charge of Planning and Development of the Government of Benin, Ministers of Energy of ECOWAS Member Countries, Commissioner of Energy and Mines at the ECOWAS Commission, members of the diplomatic and Consular Corps in Benin, Chairman of the WAPP Executive Board, Vice Chairman of the WAPP Executive Board, WAPP Executive Board members, Managing Directors / Directors General of WAPP Members Utilities, President of ERERA Regulatory Council, ERERA Council Members, Heads of ECOWAS Regulatory Authorities, High Commissioner of OMVG, representatives of WAPP technical and financial partners, WAPP Experts, Experts from the Ministries of Energy of ECOWAS Members Countries, Regulatory Experts from the sub-region, representatives various Ministries of the Government of Benin, the Southern African Power Pool and many others we have not been able to call by name.
The WAPP Secretary General, Siengui A. Ki, Management and Staff of WAPP Secretariat wish to thank all those who have contributed in one way or the other to the successful Launching of the ECOWAS Electricity Market. This significant step is an important milestone in the creation of a vibrant electricity market in West Africa and a clear demonstration of the collective resolve of our leaders to holistically solve the energy shortage in the sub-region. It further demonstrates the strides made by WAPP in the drive to fulfil its mandate as assigned by its founding fathers.
We also wish to take this opportunity to thank our technical and financial partners, particularly African Development Bank, World Bank, European Union, Islamic Development Bank, Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW), Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), United States Agency for International Development (USAID), European Investment Bank (EIB), Agence Française de Développement (AFD), ECOWAS Bank for Investment and Development (EBID), West African Development Bank (BOAD), NEPAD IPPF and JICA, who have accompanied us through this long and arduous journey since the inception of WAPP, and have stood by us through the difficult moments to get to where we are today. We have every confidence that the very robust relationships that have been built and nurtured, that have withstood the test of time, shall continue this march towards the successful consolidation of the market as we all envisage, and lead ultimately to the provision of modern clean electrical energy at affordable tariffs.
We further wish to thank the ECOWAS Commission, our parent organization, for its unwavering support and guidance, and the Government and Peoples of Benin for hosting our institution and for all facilities, amenities and privileges accorded to our institution and its employees.