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Invitation to Tender
Country: Burkina Faso
Name of Project: North Core / Dorsale Nord, Regional Interconnection Project
Financing Agreement No .: CBF130101U
Reference No .:EPC-TL/WAPP-NC/AFD # 07
Brief Description of the Works: The works relate to the “turnkey” construction (EPC) of 225 kV Electric Power Transmission Lines between Ouaga-Est and Ouaga Sud-Est and between Ouaga Sud-Est - and PA5 in Burkina Faso approximately 33 km in length, as well as the replacement of the earth wire with an optical fiber cable from PA5 to Zagtouli (approximate length: 22 km) of the existing Bolgatanga-Zagtouli line.
The Government of Burkina Faso has obtained funding from the French Development Agency to finance the WAPP - North Core / Dorsale Nord Interconnection Regional Project. It is expected that part of the sum granted under this financing will be used to make the payments provided for under the EPC “Turnkey” construction contract for the 225 kV power transmission line of approximately 33 km. in Ougadougou in Burkina Faso (Lot 5-TL).
The WAPP North Core Project Management Unit is soliciting closed bids from eligible bidders to carry out “turnkey” construction works (EPC) of a 225 kV high voltage power transmission line in Burkina Faso. The International Invitation to Tender will be conducted in accordance with the Agency's procedures for a "one-step" tender.
The main characteristics of the installations are as follows:
Eligible and interested bidders can obtain information from the WAPP NorthCore Project Management Unit by sending an email to the following address:
Interested bidders can obtain the complete Invitation to Tender File in French free of charge by submitting a written request to the address mentioned above.
Invoices approved by the Owner-Representative will be paid by direct payment method as provided for in the Project Implementation Manual.
The Instructions to Tenderers and the Administrative and General Clauses Book are those of the Standard Request for Tender File for Equipment - Design, Supply and Assembly of installations of the French Development Agency.
Bids must be submitted to the above address no later than February 15, 2021 at 11:00 a.m. Abuja local time (GMT + 1). The submission of tenders will be done electronically to the following address: The procedures for the submission and opening of tenders are described in the tender documents (IS 23.1 and IS 26.1).
Offers must include an offer guarantee "in the amount of 150,000 Euros. The original warranty must reach the WAPP Northcore Project address below by the deadline for submission of bids: WAPP-NORTH CORE PROJECT / DORSALE NORD, 1285 Wiki Spring Street, Maitama, Abuja, Nigeria.
Bids will be opened online in the presence of representatives of wishing bidders on February 15, 2021 at 11:00 a.m. local time in Abuja (GMT + 1).
The qualification requirements are: technical, including aspects of environmental and social, financial, legal and other safeguard (s) including safety. See the Invitation to Tender document for detailed information.
Please notify as soon as possible, by email to