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The First meeting of the thematic group on "Challenges related to the exploitation of Variable Renewable Energies was held from 01-03 February in Lomé, Togo.
The integration of large-scale variable renewable energies into the grid presents enormous challenges that require good preparation in order not to disrupt the proper functioning of the grid.
To address these challenges, a working group on variable renewables has been established within the West African Power Pool to share knowledge on variable renewables issues, including studies required to monitor and support the development of variable renewables projects and the planning and integration of solar generation into the grid.
The results of this working group will be incorporated into the practices and standards of the member companies of the West African Power
The working group has been subdivided into three thematic groups, namely:
This is the first meeting of the thematic group on "Challenges of operating a grid with a high share of Variable Renewable Energy". The members of this group are experts from WAPP member companies involved in the operation of power systems. A technical guide has been prepared by a facilitating consultant recruited by the WAPP Secretariat with financial support from the World Bank.