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The West African Power Pool (WAPP) has a budget allocation within its operating budget and plans to allocate a portion of this allocation to the payment of services related to this customer contract No. WAPP/02/2025. This contract covers the provision of various services, divided into three (3) lots.
WAPP invites, by email, eligible candidates who meet the required qualification criteria to submit their offers for the following services:
The duration of the services is one (1) year, renewable once, without exceeding a total period of two (2) years from the start of the services.
The procurement procedure will be conducted by open tender, in accordance with the WAPP Public Procurement Code, and is open to all eligible candidates.
Interested candidates may obtain additional information and the Invitation to Tender (DAO) by sending a request by email to the following address:
The technical, financial, and experience requirements are detailed by lot in clause IC 5.4 of the Instructions to Candidates.
Each bid must be accompanied by proof of liquidity and/or a credit facility, net of any other contractual commitments, granted by a financial institution, for a minimum amount defined as follows:
Bids must be submitted in password-protected PDF format, exclusively by email, no later than April 24, 2025, at 10:00 a.m. (Cotonou local time), to the following secure email address:
➢ Any late submission will be automatically rejected.
➢ No paper submissions will be accepted.
The bid opening will take place via videoconference on April 24, 2025, at 10:30 a.m. (Cotonou local time). Candidates wishing to attend the online opening must send a request to before April 21, 2025, to receive the connection link (Microsoft Teams).
Bids are valid for 120 days from the submission deadline.
Interested companies should visit the WAPP premises in Abomey-Calavi to better understand the site conditions for preparing their bid.