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Theme: ECOWAS Regional Electricity Market: Today and Future Opportunities
Venue: Abuja, Nigeria
Date: 4th -8th November 2019
The 14th WAPP General Assembly, under the theme "ECOWAS Regional Electricity Market: Today and Future Opportunities", was held on 8th November 2019 in Abuja, Nigeria. In preparation for this General Assembly, preparatory or related meetings were held throughout the week of 4th to 7th November 2019.Thus, on 4th and 5th November 2019, the five (5) WAPP Organizational Committees met and prepared a joint activity report to be presented to the Executive Council.
The Executive Board Meeting was held in the morning of 6th November 2019. Among other things, it made it possible to propose the appointment of the three (3) new rotating members of the Executive Board, to propose the exclusion of three (3) non-active members from the WAPP and to adopt the agenda of the General Assembly.
The afternoon of 6th November was devoted to the Joint Supervision Committee Meeting of the WAPP North Core Project. It brought together representatives of Ministries of Finance, Ministries of Energy of the countries concerned by the project (Nigeria, Niger, Benin, Togo and Burkina Faso) as well as the concerned power utilities (TCN, NIGELEC, CEB and SONABEL), the Project Management Unit (PMU) and the WAPP Secretariat. The meeting was an opportunity for the PMU to present the progress of the project work and its budget for the year 2020.
The Coordination Meeting of WAPP Technical and Financial Partners took place on the morning of Thursday, 7th November 2019 and was chaired by the State Minister of Power of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. It allowed the TFPs to be informed of the status of WAPP projects and new needs. The TFPs renewed their support to the WAPP.
The morning of Friday, 8th November 2019 was devoted to the General Assembly. The opening ceremony of the General Assembly was presided over by Boss Mustapha, Secretary to the Federal Government of Nigeria, representing His Excellency Muhammadu Buhari, President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
The General Assembly examined various documents and recommendations on its agenda.
Consequently, the WAPP Secretary General's 2019 Activity Report and the 2018 financial statements were adopted by the General Assembly.
Among the recommendations adopted, those relating to the following dossiers should be noted:
The four (4) electricity companies newly admitted as members of the WAPP are: APR Energy (Senegal), SAPELE Power PLC (Nigeria), Transcorp Power (Nigeria), and Cummins Power Generation Limited (Nigeria). WAPP has now 36 members.
After the official closing of the General Assembly, the constitutive General Assembly of the National Committee of CIGRE - West Africa (CIGRE - WA) was held.