Ivory Coast
CIE courtesy visit to WAPP
Tuesday, March 15, 2016
On March, 15th 2016, a delegation from the "Compagnie Ivoirienne d’Electricité" CIE paid a courtesy visit to the General Secretariat of the West African Power Pool based in Cotonou, Benin Republic.
In company of two collaborators, Mr. Dominique KACOU, the Managing Director, was received by Mr. Siengui Appolinaire KI and his close associates.
On this occasion, a working session was held in the WAPP conference room and focused on the following :
- WAPP presentation :
- History of creation and objectives
- The PIPES’(Planning, Investments Programming and Environmental Safeguards) Priority Projects
- The ICC (Information and Coordination Centre)
- The WAPP Capacity Building Programme
- Presentation of the CIE Electricity Trades Centre (CME)
- Presentation of the GIZ support program to WAPP and CME
In the afternoon, the delegation visited the ICC construction site in Abomey-Calavi, about twenty km north of Cotonou. The proposed building will also serve as the WAPP General Secretariat Headquarters.