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A WAPP delegation visited Belgium from the 21st to 25th January 2019 as part of the update of the ECOWAS Master Plan for the regional power generation and transmission infrastructure, financed by the European Union.
The delegation, formed with members of the WAPP Strategic Planning and Environment Committee (SPPE) benefited from a capacity building program at Tractebel headquarters - the consultant in charge of the study.
During the training, participants discussed topics such as the methodology for drawing up a master plan, the contractualization of electricity trade and the planning tools to meet new challenges. A visit was also made to the Coordination Centre of European Transmission System Operators.
Institutional capacity building is essential for the operationalization and success of the regional electricity market. For this reason, the WAPP General Secretariat has developed a strategy that is particularly focused on human capital development. Consequently, capacity building, given its importance was the theme of the 2018 WAPP General Assembly.