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External audit of sub-component 4A “regional integration and technical assistance of WAPP” of the Regional Project for Urgent Intervention in the Solar Energy Sector (RESPITE) for fiscal years 2023, 2024 & 2025
Ref. : Reference number: BJ-WAPP-348323-CS-LCS
The General Secretariat of the West African Power Pool (WAPP), a specialized institution of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) received a donation of the International Development Association (IDA) and intends to use part of the amount of this donation to make payments under the following contract: Financial and accounting audit of the project accounts (financial years 2023, 2024 and 2025) .
The audit mission covers three fiscal years, namely: 2023, 2024 and 2025. The Project audit will be carried out in accordance with the international auditing standards (ISA) issued by IFAC and will include tests and procedures. audit as well as the verifications that the auditor considers necessary in the light of the circumstances. The mission is planned for an approximate overall duration of 90 days at a rate of 30 days per exercise. The final audit reports must be received no later than five (5) months after the end of the financial year concerned.
WAPP invites applications from eligible Consultants to provide the services described above. Interested consulting firms must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services (brochures, references regarding the execution of similar contracts, experience in similar conditions, availability of necessary knowledge among staff, etc.). The application file will not exceed 30 A4 format pages.
The selection criteria for constituting the shortlist are as follows:
Key personnel will not be assessed at this stage of selection.
The Terms of Reference of the mission (French versions) can be downloaded HERE.
It is brought to the attention of the Consultants that the provisions of paragraph 3.14, 3.16 and 3.17 of the Procurement Regulations for Borrowers requesting Investment Project Financing (FPI) » September 2023 Edition (“The Regulations” ), relating to the World Bank rules on conflicts of interest are applicable.
Consultants may join forces with other firms to form an association ("joint venture" or group) or enlist the services of sub-consultants to increase their chances of qualification. In the case of a joint venture, all partners of the association are jointly and severally responsible for the entire execution of the contract if they are retained.
A Consultant will be selected using the “Least Cost Selection” method as described in the Regulations above. Interested Consultants may obtain additional information by sending their messages to the address below; copy to: and
Expressions of interest must be presented in French or English (at the Consultant's choice) in electronic version only. Applications will clearly bear in the subject line of the email the words “Consultancy Services for financial and accounting audit of the RESPITE 2023, 2024 and 2025 project accounts” and must be received no later than 10:00 a.m. local time on 2/19/2024 at the following address:
The opening of the events will take place the same day online at 10:30 a.m. An online invitation (Microsoft Teams) will be sent to all candidates who have submitted an application. The opening minutes of expressions of interest received will be sent to all bidders.