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Country: Multinational - West African Power Pool (WAPP)
Project: Solar Development Project in Sub-Saharan Africa (Phase 1) - P162580
IDA N ° D3320
Ref: BJ-WAPP-246914-CS-QCBS
The General Secretariat of the West African Power Pool ("WAPP"), a specialized institution of the Economic Community of West African States ("ECOWAS"), having its headquarters in Cotonou, Republic of Benin, requested and received a donation from the World Bank for the preparation of regional solar electricity production projects as well as technical study activities to facilitate the integration of Variable Renewable Energies (EnRV) into the network of the 'WAPP.
In this context, it is planned to create a working group within the WAPP on renewable energies which will be responsible, among other things, for (i) supporting greater coordination between companies and sharing of knowledge on the issues relating to EnRV, in particular through studies required to monitor and support the development of EnRV projects and (ii) share knowledge on the planning and integration of solar energy production into the grid.
Therefore, the WAPP General Secretariat intends to use part of this funding to make payments for the Services of a Facilitating Consultant with qualified experts in specific fields to develop technical guides. for the use of staff of WAPP member electricity companies and other players in the electricity sector of ECOWAS countries involved in the development of ENRVs. These guides prepared by the Consultant will be examined by the working group during its meetings which will be moderated by the Consultant.
The services of the Consultant consist without being limited to:
1. Prepare three documents covering subjects of technical interest related to the deployment of renewable energies in the electricity system, in particular: (a) a methodological guide for studies of the integration of renewable energies into the WAPP electricity system, presenting a benchmark of the available tools on the market for the modeling of electrical systems and a methodology for conducting studies on the integration of EnRV in electrical systems; (b) an overview of energy solutions for the integration of EnRV allowing the integration of a high share of EnRV in power grids with their cost and expected effects on the power system; and (c) Challenges of EnRV in the operation of power systems summarizing the main challenges facing the operation of the power system with a significant share of EnRV.
2. Facilitate the meetings of the working group for the consideration and adoption of these documents.
The level of effort of the key personnel to be provided is estimated at 12 man-months, the total duration of the study is estimated at 72 weeks, and the expected date of commencement of the mission is January 2022.
The detailed Terms of Reference (ToR) for the assignment can be viewed and / or downloaded HERE.
Consultant qualifications and pre-selection criteria
The General Secretariat of the WAPP invites eligible consulting firms ("Consultants") to express their interest in providing the Services. Interested Consultants must provide information indicating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services. The pre-selection criteria are:
Key personnel will not be assessed at this screening phase.
The attention of interested Consultants is drawn to Section III, paragraphs 3.14, 3.16 and 3.17 of the “Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers” of the World Bank, November 2018 Edition (“Procurement Regulations” ), setting out the World Bank's policy on conflicts of interest.
Consultants can join forces with other firms to form an association (joint venture) to increase their chances of qualifying, but must clearly indicate whether the association is a joint venture (consortium) and / or a subcontractor . In the case of a joint venture (consortium), all the partners of the association are jointly and severally liable for the entire performance of the contract if they are selected.
A consultant will be selected in accordance with the Quality and Cost Based Selection (“QFS) method set out in the“ Procurement Regulations ”.
Further information can be obtained from the email address: with a copy to: and
Expressions of interest must be presented in writing in French. Due to the Covid-19 crisis, PDF demonstrations must be sent exclusively by email no later than September 14, 2021 at 10:00 am local time in Cotonou to the secure address below:
No paper file will be accepted and any paper event sent to WAPP's head office will be rejected. Expressions of interest will be clearly marked: “EOI - Renewable Energy Working Group Facilitation - REF: BJ-WAPP-246914-CS-QCBS”.
Candidates wishing to participate online in the opening of the events will send a request to the address below no later than September 9, 2021 and the link to connect will be sent to them in due course.
Mr Mouhamadou S. DIEDHIOU Email: