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(2018, 2019 and 2020 Financial Years)
Country: Multinational (West Africa)
Project Name: Integration and Technical Assistance Project (ITAP)
Number of the donation: IDA GRANT N ° H770-3A
Reference: MOF-REF-6
1. The General Secretariat of the West African Power Exchange System (WAPP), a specialized agency of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), has received a donation from the International Association of Development (IDA) and intends to use part of the amount of this grant to make payments under the following contract: Financial and Accounting Audit of the Project Accounts (Fiscal Years 2018, 2019 and 2020).
2. The audit engagement covers three fiscal years, namely 2018, 2019 and 2020. The audit of the Project will be conducted in accordance with IFAC's International Standards on Auditing (ISA) and will include testing and testing procedures. audit and the verifications that the auditor considers necessary in the circumstances. The mission is scheduled for an approximate overall duration of 90 days. This duration breaks down as follows by exercise:
Final audit reports must be received no later than five (5) months after the end of the relevant fiscal year.
3. The WAPP invites eligible Consultants to apply for the services described above. Interested consulting firms must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services (brochures, references for the performance of similar contracts, experience under similar conditions, availability of necessary knowledge among staff, etc.).
4. The selection criteria for the short list are as follows:
- The Consultant must be an independent Audit and Accounting Expertise firm, customary profession of reviewing the accounts, regularly registered on the Board of an internationally recognized Order of Chartered Accountants by IFAC or FIDEF ;
- General experience of more than ten years;
- Specific audit experience of international organizations funded by traditional donors (World Bank, African Development Bank, etc.);
- Specific audit experience of Energy Sector Institutions.
Key personnel will not be evaluated at this stage of the selection.
5. It is brought to the attention of the Consultants that the provisions of paragraph 1.9 of the "Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers in the context of IBRD Loans and AID Credits and Gifts" Edition of January 2011, Revised Version of July 2014 ("Consultant Guidelines"), relating to the World Bank's conflict of interest rules are applicable.
6. Consultants can partner with other firms to form a joint venture or to hire sub-consultants to increase their chances of qualification.
7. A Consultant will be selected using the "Low Cost Selection" method as described in the Consultant Guidelines. Interested consultants can obtain additional information by sending their messages to the address below;
copy a: and
Tel : +229 61 03 29 29
8. Expressions of interest must be presented in French or English ( at Consultant choice) in an original + 4 hard copies, accompanied by an electronic version on magnetic media (CD or USB key). They must be filed in a sealed envelope marked:
"CONSULTING SERVICES FOR FINANCIAL AUDIT AND ACCOUNTABILITY ACCOUNTS OF THE ITAP PROJECT (FY 2018-2020)" and must be received no later than 10:00 am local time on February 05, 2019 at the following address:
WAPP Secretariat / WAPP
Attn: Mr. Siengui A. Ki, Secretary General
PK 6, Embassy Zone, Akpakpa
06 BP 2907
Cotonou, Benin