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Funding agreement reference:
PROGRAM ID: P-Z1-F00-128 – GRANT No.: 2100155041052
Project Identification Number:
Title of services: Pre-feasibility study of the Sahel Dorsal High Voltage Interconnection Project
The General Secretariat of the West African Power Pool (“WAPP”) has received funding from the African Development Bank Group (AfDB) to cover the cost of the Sahel Backbone High Voltage Power Interconnection Project, and intends to use part of the sums granted under this grant to finance the Pre-Feasibility Study contract for the said project.
The services provided under this contract include, among others:
The planned date for the start of services is September 2022 for a duration of approximately 45 weeks.
The WAPP General Secretariat invites Consultants to apply to provide the services described above. Interested consultants must provide information on their capacity and experience demonstrating that they are qualified for the services (documentation, reference of similar services, experience in comparable missions, availability of qualified personnel, etc.). Consultants can form an association to increase their chances of qualification.
The eligibility criteria, the establishment of the shortlist and the selection procedure will be in accordance with the "Procurement framework for operations financed by the Bank Group", October 2015 edition, which is available on the website of the Bank at the address:
Specifically, consultants must demonstrate that they have:
Consultants must present their references with details of the activities actually carried out, information related to the requirements of the above criteria (countries concerned by the interconnection, voltage level, length, capacity of the solar park) and the dates of the references. Any reference that does not clearly state this information will not be considered.
Interested consultants may obtain additional information by sending an email to, with a copy to,,
All expressions of interest must be submitted in French. Due to the Covid-19 crisis, submissions must be made online in PDF format and sent by email no later than March 14, 2022 at 10 a.m. (Cotonou time) to
Expressions of interest must clearly bear in the subject of the e-mail the mention: “AMI for the Prefeasibility Study of the Dorsal High Voltage Electrical Interconnection Project of the Sahel”.
A shortlist of six firms will be drawn up following the call for expressions of interest and the consultation will be carried out in accordance with the AfDB Rules of Procedure for the use of Consultants. It should be noted that the interest expressed by a Consultant does not imply any obligation on the part of the Client to include him in the shortlist.
Candidates wishing to participate in the opening of the applications received, which will be done online, must send a request to the address of Mr. Mouhamadou Salif DIEDHIOU via no later than March 7, 2022 and the link to join the virtual meeting will be communicated to them.