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(Consulting Services - Selection of an individual consultant)
Country : Multinational
Project: Recruitment of an Environmental Expert
Ref.: BJ-WAPP-119925-CS-INDV
The West African Power Pool (WAPP) was established by the highest decision-making authority of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) during the Conference of Heads of State and Government of Member States held in Lomé in December 1999. In order to take advantage of the opportunities offered by the commitments made by the Parties at COP 21 and 22 and the clear will of the ECOWAS Member States to reinforce the gradual integration of renewable energies into their energy mix, the ECOWAS Master Plan for the Development of the Regional means of production and transmission of electric energy 2019-2033 approved in December 2018 by the Heads of State and Government of the ECOWAS member countries, selected a list of priority projects with nearly 70% of renewable energies including 3.5 GW of variable renewable energies.
For the implementation of this plan, the World Bank has granted funding for technical assistance entitled "Solar Development in Sub-Saharan Africa, Project # 1 Technical Assistance to WAPP" and dedicated to the WAPP General Secretariat for the preparation regional solar power generation projects, as well as other technical studies to facilitate the integration of Renewable Energies.
As part of the technical activities of this technical assistance financed by the World Bank, the WAPP General Secretariat in charge of implementation wishes to recruit an experienced Resident Expert in Environmental and Social Impact Studies (ESIA), in Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) and other areas related to the social and natural environment.
The scope of the services of the Resident Expert is mainly to strengthen the ability of the WAPP and its member utilities to carry out ESIA studies of their priority projects in order to ensure the proper execution of such projects by reducing at best potential environmental and social risks and impacts, and / or mitigating or offsetting them according to donor recommendations and international standards, including bonus actions for potential positive impacts.
Detailed Terms of Reference for the mission can be viewed and / or downloaded from the following WAPP website:
Qualifications, experiences and skills of the Expert
The Expert must have the following qualifications, experience and skills:
Contract length
The Expert's mission extends from signing the contract for a renewable one-year period after which the contract will be extended for two years or until the end of the Program if the performance of the Expert are considered satisfactory. The services of the Expert will be carried out in the premises of the WAPP General Secretariat in Cotonou (Benin).
Selection methods
The WAPP General Secretariat invites eligible Experts to indicate their interest in providing the Required Services listed in the Terms of Reference. Interested Experts must provide information indicating that they possess the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services by submitting for this purpose (a) a letter of motivation and (b) a current updated CV.
The Expert will be selected in accordance with the "Selection of Individual Consultants" method described in the World Bank's "Procurement Regulations for Borrowers seeking Investment Project Financing (REITs)" of July 2016, revised in November 2017 and August 2018.
Submission of applications
Candidature files also bearing the subject "Solar Parks Project-Application / Environmentalist Expert" must be sent in English or French by e-mail exclusively to:
Deadline for receipt of applications: 23 November 2019 at 18:00 local time in Cotonou
Further information can be obtained by sending an e-mail to the address below with the mention "Project Solar Parks - Candidature / Environmentalist Expert" subject.
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