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The West African Power Pool (WAPP) General Secretariat, in collaboration with the Government of the Republic of Ghana and WAPP local member utilities in Ghana such as: Volta River Authority (VRA), Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG), Ghana Grid Company (GRIDCo), Northern Electricity Distribution Company (NEDCO) Ltd, CENIT Energy (CEL) Ltd, Cenpower and Karpowership, organised the Twelfth Session of the WAPP General Assembly, held at Alisa Hotel in Accra, on 3 November 2017.
The purpose of the meeting was, among others, to:
Consider and adopt the report of the 11th Session of the General Assembly, the activity report of the Secretary General, the report of the External Auditor, and the recommendations of the 34th, 35th, 36th, and 37th Ordinary Sessions of the Executive Board.
The opening ceremony was held under the high aegis of His Excellency, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, President of the Republic of Ghana.
In his opening speech, the President of the Republic of Ghana confessed that his country was honoured to host the 12th Session of the WAPP General Assembly. He welcomed all the participants who made the journey to Accra to attend the General Assembly to discourse on the implementation of the Regional Electricity Market and subsequently the integration of West Africa. He pointed out that this is the surest way to accelerate the social and economic development of the Region and improve the living standards of the peoples. The President confirmed that WAPP has the capacity and capability of taking up that immense challenge and he therefore encouraged the Organization and its Experts and Technical and Financial Partners to have successful deliberations.
Moreover, as the 2017 Africa Union Gender Champion, His Excellency Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo recalled the Meeting on the importance of women in the energy sector and urged the stakeholders to seize the various opportunities for directly employing women in the electricity sector.
The President also put the emphasis on the improving political environment of West Africa and mentioned the threat of terrorism as a challenge.
The following decisions were taken:
Day 1 - Monday, 30 October 2017
SESSION 1 - Meeting of WAPP Organizational Committees
8:30am Arrival and Ushering-in of Participants
9:00am Opening Ceremony
9:30am Coffee Break / Group Photo
9:50am Welcome Address by Committee Chairman
10:00am Adoption of the Agenda
10:10am Nomination of Rapporteurs
10:20am Presentation of the Committee’s Activity Report
11:00am Discussion
11:30am Preparation of presentation for Joint Committee
1:00pm End of the Meeting
1:05pm Lunch Break
SESSION 2: Joint Meeting of WAPP Organizational Committees
2:00pm Nomination of Chairman Joint Committee Meeting
2:05pm Nomination of Rapporteurs
2:10pm Presentation by Strategic Planning and Environmental Committee (SPEC) on their Activities.
2:30pm Presentation by Engineering and Operating Committee (EOC) on their Activities
2:50pm Presentation by Finance Committee (FC) on their Activities.
3:10pm Presentation by Human Resources and Governance Committee (HRGC) on their Activities.
3:20pm Presentation by Distribution and Commercialization Committee
(DCC) on their Activities.
3:40pm Discussion
4:30pm Coffee break
Day 2 - Tuesday, 31 October 2017
SESSION 1 - Joint Meeting of WAPP Organizational Committee
9:00am Arrival of Participants
9:30am Adoption of Agenda
10:00am Preparation of Joint Committee Report
11:30am Coffee Break
12:00am Adoption of Joint Committee Report
1:30pm Lunch Break
SESSION 2 - Joint Meeting of WAPP Organizational Committee
2:30pm Presentation by Sunon Asogli Power (Ghana) Ltd
3:00pm Questions & Answers
3:10pm Presentation by KARPOWERSHIP
3:40pm Questions & Answers
3:50pm Presentation by SKIPPER Ghana Limited
4:20pm Questions & Answers
4:30pm Coffee break
Day 3 - Wednesday, 1 November 2017
30th WAPP Donors’ Coordination Meeting
9:00 am Arrival and Ushering-in of Participants
9:30 am Opening Ceremony
10:00 am Adoption of the Agenda
10:15 am Coffee Break / Group Photo
10:30 am Consideration and Adoption of the Aide-Memoire of the 29th Donors’ Coordination Meeting
10:40 am Presentation on the Status of Development of WAPP Information and Coordination Centre Project
11:00 am Presentation on the Status of Preparation and Implementation of WAPP Priority Projects
11:20 am Presentation on WAPP Capacity Building Program Initiative
11:40 am Presentation on Funding Requirements
12:00 noon Discussions and Statements by the Technical and Financial Partners
1:00 pm End of the 30th Donors’ Coordination Meeting
1:30 pm Lunch Break
Day 4 - Thursday, 2 November 2017
37th WAPP Executive Board Meeting
9:00 am Arrival and Ushering-in of Participants
9:30 am Opening Ceremony
10:00 am Adoption of the Agenda
10:15 am Coffee Break / Group Photo
10:30 am Consideration and Adoption of the following documents:
11:30 am Consideration and Finalisation of the Agenda of the 12th WAPP General Assembly Session
11:45 am Any Other Business
12:00 noon End of the 37th WAPP Executive Board Meeting
12:30 pm Lunch Break
Day 5 - Friday, 3 November 2017
Twelfth WAPP General Assembly Session
9:00 am Arrival and Ushering-in of Participants
9:30 am Opening Ceremony
10:30 am Group Photo / Coffee Break
10:50 am Departure of State Officials and Invited Guests
11:00 am Adoption of the Agenda
11:10 am Consideration and Adoption of the following Reports:
12:00 noon Any Other Business
12:30 pm Signing of the Decisions of the 12th General Assembly Session
1:00 pm Closing Ceremony
1:30 pm Lunch Break
8:00 pm Gala Dinner
Swiss Spirit (ALISA) Hotel, Accra, Ghana.