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The 40th WAPP Technical and Financial Partners coordination meeting was held on Friday June 23, 2023 in Cotonou, the Republic of Benin at the Golden Tulip Hotel.
The Objective of the meeting is to continue discussions with WAPP Technical and Financial Partners on the progress of WAPP priority projects and, to agree on actions to be taken to accelerate their implementation, and to present them with new projects for support.
The WAPP Secretariat organized the second meeting of the thematic group on "Challenges related to the operation of Variable Renewable Energy (VRE)" from 3 to 5 May 2023 in Cotonou, Benin.
This meeting is part of the establishment of an enabling framework that would accelerate the deployment of large-scale solar power plants in the WAPP region by identifying technical bottlenecks.
The WAPP Secretariat welcomed a delegation from the World Bank (WB) on 05 May 2023 at the ICC site in Calavi, Benin.
The WAPP Secretary General,Mr. Siengui A. KI, in his welcoming remarks, after introducing his delegation, thanked the WB for its unfailing support over the years on the various infrastructure development projects in the region.
Within the framework of the above-mentioned project, a meeting to evaluate the proposals received from prospective Consultants interested in carrying out the Study was held in Cotonou, Republic of Benin by the Procurement Selection Committee that was appointed by the WAPP from March 1 to 3, 2023. This Procurement Selection Committee comprised representatives of CI-ENERGIES, LEC and the Ministries in charge of energy in Côte d'Ivoire and Liberia.